Volunteer Impact – Point of View

Welcome to the Volunteer Impact Point of View Tool. I created this tool to help you consider the many audiences who may benefit from a specific type of volunteer role. From there, you can select the most meaningful and relevant items to track and report. This will allow you to paint a fuller picture about volunteer impact.


Identify how various audiences would define volunteer impact for a specific program, especially those closest to the mission.


Select a program you want to analyze.

Draw or download (template below) a target with several rings.

Place audiences on the target based on how close they are to the mission. For example, program participants go in the center. 

For each audience, consider how they would define volunteer impact. What would be an indicator that the volunteer had a positive impact? What does success look like to that audience?

Add indicators of volunteer impact that reflect what matters to each audience. (I use different colors for each audience to help keep things a bit more organized.)

Review all the indicators and consider which ones help reveal valuable information about what matters to those closest to the mission, the purpose of the program, and/or the mission and values of the agency.

Select one or more indicators to track and share. It can be helpful to pair images, quotes, or testimonials (to tell a story) with numbers (to demonstrate scope).

Reflect on how different audiences react to these volunteer data. What do you want to keep reporting? Is there anything you can stop reporting?

Need inspiration? Scroll for samples.

Want to discuss or share your example? Let’s talk!


 Volunteer Impact: Point of View: Blank Template Download
